Directions North America 2024 Gold Sponsor

Serving customers around the globe, Experlogix is a worldwide leader in developing business software, offering a suite of applications for partners to integrate with Microsoft Dynamics. Experlogix software streamlines sales and document-related processes, creating more positive customer experiences, increasing efficiency, and driving more revenue. Established in 2002, Experlogix delivers its solutions with best-in-class support, helping our clients transform their processes to drive productivity and deliver more value for their customers.

Experlogix CPQ empowers sales teams to deliver more accurate quotes in less time, while also offering the flexibility to fit the needs of virtually any configurable product or service ecosystem.

Experlogix Document Automation turns manual processes into seamless, automated workflows making it easy for users to generate accurate, and compelling business-critical documents.

Experlogix Digital Commerce empowers businesses to streamline and automate online order-taking using integrated portals, apps and webshops.

Experlogix – Simplify the Complex.